Data &
business consulting

Data and Business Intelligence

for a dynamic and agile company 

Discover decision support systems based on the collection, integration, analysis and dashboarding of your data using data and business intelligence.

Company, professional,

Have you asked yourself?

Is your basic software limiting your development?

Use of multiple systems that do not communicate?

Is your basic software limiting your development?

Is your basic software limiting your development?

Use of multiple systems that do not communicate?

Lojelis helps you in your approach!

Business Intelligence
for all business functions!

Your company can easily benefit from our Data and Business Intelligence service. All business functions can collect and exploit useful data for business purposes.

From human resources, to finance, to production, business intelligence allows you to obtain clear and precise tables and facilitates your decision making.

Are you looking to accelerate and improve your decision making, optimize your internal processes, increase operational efficiency, and gain a significant competitive advantage for your company? Then discover our tailor-made service!

Providing you with decision support tools is our business!

For a service aligned with your expectations, we carry out an in-depth analysis of your existing data and we collect the used and unused data to provide you with a detailed report of the actions to be implemented to make good use of all this information.


A to Z design of your solution to perfectly match your needs, your budget and your business structure


Once your solution has been developed, we commit to integrating it into your existing system to ensure a proper installation and use for your teams. Following the implementation, we remain at your side throughout the use of our solution.


Follow-up once your solution is installed. You can use your solution to boost your activity thanks to the dashboards and various solutions set up to make it easier for you to read the indicators that you have

Human skills at your disposal:

Big Data Consultant

uses statistical techniques and specialized IT tools to organize, synthesize and translate the information your company needs to facilitate decision-making.

BI Consultant

Their main mission is to offer to the decision makers of a company a decision support tool allowing to have a global view of the company’s activity.

EPM Consultant

They master Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) software such as Talend, DataStage, MicroStrategy, Microsoft BI, and many languages such as Pentaho, Hadoop, Spark, R, Python. This software is essential to have more visibility on your activity.

As well as other complementary and necessary profiles for the realization of your solution.

More information about Data & bI service

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    To develop custom digital solutions, such as the development of software dedicated to your business or develop business applications and or mobile according to your needs.


    Opt for the optimization of your information system to increase your activity!


    Business Consulting

    If you need to evolve, optimize or transform your business processes, we are here to analyze and provide you with tailor-made solutions.