Research and Development

Lojelis puts its expertise at the service of
Research and Development

Thanks to Lojelis’ IT experience, the research and development department can develop innovative solutions to meet new market needs.


Health is a key success factor in the office environment

Lojelis’ research and development department focuses on fundamental themes of our current society such as mental health, physical health and sports, and psychology and digital tools. 

  • Stress and Relaxation: Use of virtual reality to improve a user's relaxation period
  • Well-being and work: Creation of an application to prevent, accompany and develop the well-being of employees at work
  • Stigmatization and mental illness: Visualization of the stigmatization of patients suffering from mental illness among health professionals
  • AI and therapeutic education: digitalized solution using artificial intelligence to improve patient monitoring and maintain motivation through a playful protocol
  • Fitness: using body tracking technologies, augmented reality, and partnership with coaches, people with neurological or muscular disorders will be able to perform fitness exercises at home and at their own pace
  • Rugby promotion: Using immersion and the sensation of presence thanks to virtual reality to propose to the user to put himself in the skin of a professional player to carry out a penalty in rugby

Based on theories, models from Cognitive and Social psychology and our skills in Artificial Intelligence, we propose several types of support to motivate an individual to engage in a task and consider the results of his commitment :

  • Maintaining the motivation and commitment of a patient in his medical follow-up
  • The motivation of an employee in his professional activity
  • The commitment of a sportsman in his training
Mental health:
  • Stress and Relaxation: Use of virtual reality to improve a user’s relaxation period
  • Well-being and work: Creation of an application to prevent, accompany and develop the well-being of employees at work
  • Stigmatization and mental illness: Visualization of the stigmatization of patients suffering from mental illness among health professionals
  • AI and therapeutic education: digitalized solution using artificial intelligence to improve patient monitoring and maintain motivation through a playful protocol
Physical health and sports:
  • Fitness: using body tracking technologies, augmented reality, and partnership with coaches, people with neurological or muscular disorders will be able to perform fitness exercises at home and at their own pace
  • Rugby promotion: Using immersion and the sensation of presence thanks to virtual reality to propose to the user to put himself in the skin of a professional player to carry out a penalty in rugby
Psychology and digital tools:

Based on theories, models from Cognitive and Social psychology and our skills in Artificial Intelligence, we propose several types of support to motivate an individual to engage in a task and consider the results of his commitment.

  • Maintaining the motivation and commitment of a patient in his medical follow-up
  • The motivation of an employee in his professional activity
  • The commitment of a sportsman in his training


Innovative solutions to intelligently manage our natural water resources!

The Lojelis  research and development department is involved in the development of solutions to improve the management of natural water resources. Indeed, at a time when eco-consumption of water is becoming a major issue, we use our digital and business expertise to develop solutions that address the current problems of our society.

Equipped with machine learning, our solution learns, evolves and can:


Develop a respectful and sustainable mobility!

The way we travel is changing rapidly, forcing organizations to rethink their means of transportation.


Our Research and Development department develops innovative and scalable digital solutions to meet the new needs of users.


We want to establish new travel habits by placing data and communication between actors at the heart of our solutions.


From this vision, several solutions were born to promote the development of ecomobility. A web platform to manage its fleet of vehicles more intelligently and a solution dedicated to hydrogen vehicles, to facilitate its implementation and the use of this type of energy on the market.


Offer an enriching experience to discover culture from another angle

Culture, a source of pleasure, wonder and learning, offers a rich experience from an emotional and intellectual point of view. It is also a way to express one’s creativity and to reflect on the works of art. In order to bring visitors to discover the works from another angle, we wish to create a link with the work, a proximity with the artist and provoke an experience of immersion. 


Thanks to virtual reality, the user will be able to discover the works in both detail and contemplation mode, which allows time to understand the work and contemplate it at the same time. The digitalization of the work is a major issue in education and transmission of information.

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